site last updated: 1/9/25
Permobil ICS Lighting Wiring Guide
This is a schematic for the NEWER versions of Permobil chairs -
F3, F5, M1, M3, M5 etc...
around 2018- permbil changed their lighting controllers!
this guide is still technically correct - but may require removal
of a secondary lighting controller board. i do not currently have any guides
published on how to do this.
if the inside of the ICS module looks different than the photos below, then this may not work
The 2021 chairs may use a different ICS board layout!
Scroll to the bottom, and see if the inside of your module looks the same.
I am working on an updated guide for the NEWEST version of these modules :^)
24 Volt light compatible only! do not attempt to change light voltage settings via the R-Net software. this will have undesired results on a Permobil chair!
LED LIGHTS ONLY!! You don't want to exceed more than 1 amp for each lighting circuit!
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You need a compatible joystick with lighting controls for this process to work otherwise, even though everything is wired up, you won't be able to turn the lights on!
Setting things up:
There are 3 pin headers inside the ICS switchbox J5, J7, and J4 that are responsible for the lights
the drawings below are PINOUT diagrams.
NOT wiring schematics
The colored lines drawn across the pin headers are just showing labels for each pin's function.
its not a traditional schematic!
Typically most people don't care about turn signals - so we'll focus on the headlights and tail lights.
The power source is shared on pins 3, 7, 11, and 15
I would recommend JUST using the outside connectors with a single row of pins.
(J4, and J5)
Connector J7 can remain unused for this setup.
i haven't been able to source a proper fitting connector for it just yet.
Feel free to separate out your lights onto multiple headers
for example - a connector on J5 for Headlights, and another
connector on J4 for tail lights etc.. to spread out load on the pins
Ive used these connectors with good success -
OSEPP I2C Bus Cable (LS-CAB4P-08) -
you just have to slice off the latch on the side of the connector to make it fit into the header on the board.
then cut the cables in half - and each cable gives you 2 connectors!
IMO don't use turn signals - they're kinda dumb, and unnecessary LOL
BUT if you want to install them anyways- they use use the same style of connectors you've already used for the headlights and tail lights - they will share the POWER +24v from PINS 3, and 15 that you used for the headlights/tail lights (assuming you wired things as shown above)
for reference - here's the 2 ICS modules (old and new) side by side